The color outcome and wear experience may vary depending on the wearer’s original eye color, iris, pupil size, curvature and eye condition. By making a purchase, you agree that you accept Fav Eye’s exchange and return policy as outlined below.
For Exchange
You can exchange any unopened and unused product(s) within 14 days. Simply contact us within 14 days and we will provide you with our warehouse return address. Upon receiving your returned items and it is verified they are brand new/unused, you will be provided with store credit to purchase other products. Credit will be for product total amount only and excluding any postage fees. If order previously enjoyed free shipping, a $4.99 deduction applies to cover for shipping cost. The customer is responsible for all fees and risks related to returning the item(s), so it is highly recommended to use a tracked shipping method.
For Return
You can return any unopened and unused product(s) within 14 days. Simply contact us within 14 days and we will provide you with our warehouse return address. Upon receiving your returned items and it is verified they are brand new/unused, you will be provided with a refund. The customer is responsible for all fees and risks related to returning the item(s).
A refund is available for wrong order or defective products within 14 days of receiving your order.
IMPORTANT: Item is considered defective only if it is unopened and sealed and has at least one of the following defect characteristics.
Defect Characteristics
   1. The lens is visibly torn or broken while still sealed in bottle or blister
   2. The lens has significant patches of missing color pigments while still sealed in bottle or blister
Unaccepted reasons of defect :
   1. Wearer not liking the color, effect, or wear experience after using the contact lens.
   2. Contact lens rips, changes shape or dries out due to improper handling and care.
   3. For styles that are opaque or have a small pupil hole design, some people may experience slightly cloudy vision. This is due to the pupil seeing through some color pigments. This happens very rarely. If this bothers you, choose styles with less opaque color or styles with bigger pupil hole design.
  4. Wearer purchases wrong prescriptions or products that do not match the specifications of his/her prescription. In such cases, please do not open the contact lenses and refer to our exchange policy.
Note: Contact lens is a fragile item and scratching/tearing can happen during handling, sometimes without the realization of the wearer. We request that all customers inspect their lenses upon receipt before opening. Return or refund is strictly unavailable for contact lens that has been removed from its sealed packaging (blister or vial bottle).
Please be assured that defects are extremely rare. If the products that you have received fit the above defective criteria, please reach out to us at and provide the following information:
  1. Your order number
  2. Name of the product
 3. Photo or video that shows mentioned product in sealed and unopened condition with lens demonstrating one or more Defect Characteristics
We do not accept exchange or return for contact lens that is opened, unsealed or used under any circumstances. Orders that qualify for returns would always be provided with the options of a replacement shipment with the original shipping method or a store credit of 120% the original amount. Store credit can be used anytime and will never expire.